
Just call me Newbie!

Here I go, my very first post! I'm not too sure where this blog will take me. I LOVE baking, crafting and remodeling. So it may be all three of these, or one or two. Who knows! It's just that I have been looking at soooo amazing blogs online and thought to myself "I can do that!". Ok, maybe it was a bit more like "I want to try to do that.". Yeah, that's probably more like it! Well...... THAT WAS THE EASY PART!

As you can see, my header is off center. I'm not sure how to fix that. I have looked at tons of posts on how to do so but as you can see....still off center. Give me time, I'll get it eventually.

I started trying to post the cutest little tote bag I made last night. When I uploaded pictures they went to the beginning of the post. Not sure if they always do that and you have to manually move them or if I did something wrong? If I was a bettin' man I'd put my money on the "I did something wrong". This to shall be figured out (in time). Anyhoo, I hit the wrong button and deleted all I had done up to this point! Bummer! After grumbling for a nanosecond I decided one step at a time. Just words today, hopefully a craft post with pictures tomorrow. Time will tell.

So, if anyone who runs across this knows of a great site to go to for help:

Well I'm off for now. Got a project currently underway that I can't wait to finish and share!

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